01233 553 400

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Immediate, thorough chimney repairs for homeowners in Lords-Wood

Lords-Wood residents have benefited from resolutions to chimney related problems through the services of 247 Roofing Kent for over ten years. Chimneys are always in constant contact with the natural elements, leading them to unavoidable degradation and wear; this makes responsible chimney maintenance crucial. Homeowners are advised to implement the necessary chimney maintenance as soon as possible, as delays could lead to severe damages. Our services assist you in ensuring you have no more worries regarding the proper functioning of your chimney, while guaranteeing the safety of your home. 247 Roofing Kent chimney repair staff can handle any scale of maintenance and repair, even during emergencies. Our accredited personnel are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in the Lords-Wood area.

Our Guarantee

  • Free site visit and survey
  • No hidden costs
  • British standards compliant
  • Fully Insured
  • Clean and efficient
  • Professional workmanship

Certified Chimney Repair Staff Utilizing the Best in Modern Technology

You are guaranteed to be serviced by well trained professional staff who are extremely adept at utilizing the most cutting edge techniques in the industry. 247 Roofing Kent technicians are not just trained in the technical aspects of the job but are also friendly and courteous to customers whilst performing repairs on their property.

Complete Repairs to Ensure A Fully Functional Chimney

It is impossible to properly enjoy the benefits of a stove unless you have a chimney that functions properly. Chimney breaks - whether they occur on the chimney crown, at the middle, or at the chimney’s base - are fire hazards. It is important that homeowners are aware that even seemingly inconsequential issues on the chimney could go on ahead to cause even more complications to the internal parts of the chimney.

Identifying these problems may be difficult at first. However, they remain extremely insidious, and when left unattended to, may lead to more complicated problems in the near future. With the use of the latest industry techniques and technology, the 247 Roofing Kent chimney team can handle issues from tiny breaks to full structural repair. We use specialized equipment such as a chimney camera that can reach into the chimney’s interior to determine the scale of the damage. With these, we get the best possible assessment of the incurred damage.

Residents in Lords-Wood now enjoy high quality chimney cleaning, repair, and maintenance.

Residents in Lords-Wood are exposed to serious health and safety issues due to faulty chimneys every year. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and this applies more than ever to the continued efficiency of your chimney. 247 Roofing Kent is known for its thorough and professional delivery of chimney cleaning and maintenance services. This is why whenever you have a chimney related problem; you can be rest assured that we are more than capable of handling it. Get in touch as soon as you notice any issue that needs the attention of our chimney repair experts. We are well capable of handling immense chimney related problems as much as we are able to handle even the minor problems, all day of the week. The level of effort infused into our services is aimed at nothing else but the complete satisfaction of our esteemed customers in Lords-Wood. Emergency chimney repair needed? Call us today at 01233 553 400.

Which Trusted Trader

At 247 Roofing Kent, our customer service policy ensures that we are always finding the most efficient methods with which our customers would be able to reach us at any time they are in need of chimney repair services. We are present on a number of active service review websites where customers are able to review our services. This goes a long way in showcasing the level of attention we pay to the quality of our chimney repair service, especially on the review website: Rated people. Through this platform, existing customers provide us with their honest feedback, which has led us to gaining new customers and expanding the number of people we serve.


On the trade review site TrustaTrader, we have managed to become one of the most respected chimney repair companies. Our staff are experienced experts who treat our customers with fiarness, respenct and transparency, which has helped our reputation greatly, along with the impeccable services we are known to deliver. Residents in Lords-Wood have our services highly recommended by the trade review site TrustaTrader. Our reputation for delivering only high quality chimney repair services has been further verified by the level of feedback we have received from TrustaTrader.

247 Roofing Kent only provides the best quality repairs.

Chimney repair is our forte

Technicians under our employ are highly trained to meet industry standards and come highly certified to deliver only the best.Our personnel also receive continuous training to ensure that they are updated with the latest techniques when it comes to chimney systems. With highly qualified and experienced chimney experts, we strive to meet, if not exceed our customers’ expectations on reliability, safety, and professionalism.

We work hard to satisfy our customers

Our technicians do not complete projects just for completions sake, but they ensure that all aspects of the customers’ needs are met, while providing the highest quality of service possible. Clients can be sure that we our repair services will leave the site of the project looking even much better than we left it.

Get a free estimate of the price range for your chimney repairs

Our staff is always willing to hear from clients in Lords-Wood. We do not just claim to serve you; we are always ready to address whatever issues you may have regarding your chimneys. If you have any problems with your chimney, or you just need some advice, we are always willing to help, as our service agents are always ready to attend to all your worries.

Fast and efficient service

You can be rest assured that our staff are able to identify your chimney problems almost on sight. We work tirelessly in isolating the problematic areas of your chimney, so repairs may begin on them as quickly as possible, saving valuable money.

Quality chimney repairs and maintenance In Lords-Wood.

With an almost spotless record with our past customers, we assure you that we are able to give your chimney the makeover that it deserves. Nothing adds more charm to a home than a fully functioning chimney, and we are able to help you achieve this at 247 Roofing Kent.

Do You Need Help ? Call Us 01233 553 400